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Skipping Stones
Guidelines for Submissions by Youth

Click here for Photos and Illustrations Guidelines!

Writings (essays, stories, letters to the editor, riddles and proverbs, etc.) should be typed or neatly handwritten and limited to 1,000 words and poems to 30 lines. We encourage writings in all languages with an English translation, if possible. And, we love illustrations! Please send originals of your drawings, paintings, or photos to our post office box address below. Include your name, age, and address along with your submission. We welcome electronic submissions as well. We prefer Word.doc. or .docx.files or text.edit files. Art and photos can be sent as .jpeg or .tiff files. Please DO NOT send us zip.files.

We also welcome your original, creative submissions for our various contests: Youth Honor Awards, Annual Asian Celebration Haiku Contests, etc. See details in those sections.

Tell us about yourself in a cover letter. What is your cultural background? What languages do you speak or write? What is important to you? What are your dreams and visions for the future? What inspired you to write or create your submission? We might even print part or all of your letter!

We may edit your work for space or clarity. We will contact you if we do major editing of your work. If you would like a reply from us, or your work returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Allow at least four months for our reply. We are not responsible for unsolicited submissions.

Skipping Stones holds first serial rights for publishing in our magazine and other products, including electronic products. Once accepted by us, you can publish your work elsewhere only after it is published by us. We also keep non-exclusive reprint rights for all material published in Skipping Stones. We may reprint or allow others to reprint or excerpt (with your byline, of course!) pieces published in the magazine, including by electronic means.

If you would like a reply from us or your work returned, include a self-addressed envelope with postage stamps. Submissions that do not include SASE's will be recycled if we do not publish them. Allow four months for our reply. When your work is published in Skipping Stones, you will receive two complimentary contributor's copies of that issue. You also can order a discounted ($10 off) subscription.

Ideas for Submissions

Share your culture by explaining why a belief or tradition is important to you. Describe your city/village/home. Write and/or illustrate an article on an upcoming theme. Write about a community project you organized, or your experiences in a culture or country. What are your favorite ethnic foods? (Send us the recipe.) Also see the detailed ideas for submissions in the section below.

Guidelines for Adult Submissions

Our readers, ages 7 to 17, hail from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. We want to make their reading of Skipping Stones an active experience, relevant to issues confronting them locally and globally. Writing and artwork by adults should challenge readers to think, learn, cooperate and create.

We encourage adults to submit creative informational stories rather than pure fiction. We prefer submissions focusing on your own culture or experiences. No adult poetry, please.

The Details: Compositions should be typed, double-spaced, on 8.5" x 11" sheets and less than 1,000 words long. Include your name on each page. Artwork and photos should each have the artist's name and address on the back.

Include a short bio and a complete address in your cover letter. We're especially interested in hearing about your cultural background and the experiences that led to the creation of your work. You may wish to send a photo of yourself or the subjects of your submission.

Skipping Stones is a nonprofit, educational and charitable organization. It is a labor of love. Your work is recognized as a contribution to the global effort toward social change. If your work is published you will receive one to four complimentary copies of the issue (plus a 25% discount on additional copies) and a $10 discount on your first subscription. Contributors of longer pieces (e.g., a two-page article) receive four complimentary copies.

We may edit your work for space or clarity. We will try to contact you with revisions if time permits. If you would like a reply from us, or your work returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Submissions that do not include SASE's will be recycled if we do not publish them. Allow at least four months for our reply. We are not responsible for unsolicited submissions. If you move, please let us know your new contact info.

Skipping Stones holds first serial rights. Once accepted, you can only publish your work elsewhere after it is published in our magazine. We also keep non-exclusive reprint rights for all material published in Skipping Stones. We may reprint or allow others to reprint or excerpt (with your byline, of course!) pieces published in the magazine, including by electronic means.

Ideas for Submissions:

  • Cultural or Regional Celebrations: First-hand descriptions (with photos or illustrations)
  • Writings accompanied by children's artwork
  • Bilingual submissions or writings introducing (using words/phrases from) other languages
  • Folktales, hospitality customs, recipes, music, folk art and architecture from around the world
  • Living Abroad and Immigration: Your memorable experiences
  • Cross-Cultural Communications: Ways we express ourselves through language, proverbs, tales, songs, body language, symbols, etc.
  • International Humor: Jokes, funny stories, riddles, games, cross-cultural mix-ups, etc.
  • Photo Essays on a country or region
  • Families and Community: Getting along, unique gatherings or projects, intergenerational experiences, multilingual families
  • Creative Problem Solving and Peace-Making
  • Cooperative Games, Quizzes, Riddles, Puzzles
  • Life as a Minority: Challenges and successes
  • Living with and Understanding Disabilities
  • Unforgettable Moments: Times of transformation or revelation.
  • Inspirations or Role Models in your life
  • Right Livelihood: Earning a living while helping the world.
  • Technology: Its impacts on the planet.
  • Sustainable Living: Our Mission, Purpose and Challenges. How can we care for the Earth and all its inhabitants?
  • Nature: Unique ecology, resource conservation, endangered species, fighting pollution
  • Taking Action: Reports of or suggestions for children's involvement in community, ecology or social justice; actions to improve the world
  • Raising Caring Kids: What tools do we use? Improving self-awareness and self-esteem; encouraging creativity, non-violence and tolerance; being a role model
  • Parent/Teacher Guide: Lesson plans, ideas, activities, experiences and suggestions.
  • Any other multicultural, social, international or nature awareness theme that you wish to write about!

You can send us your submissions by snail mail or via E-mail with Word attachments and graphics/photos as .jpeg or .tiff files.

Please send all submissions to:

Managing Editor
Skipping Stones
P.O. BOX 3939
Eugene OR 97403-0939 USA



Skipping Stones Magazine
P.O. Box 3939
Eugene, OR 97403 USA.
Telephone: (541) 342-4956