Dare I Say
By Cassandra Martens Diaz, Mexican-Canadian, 17, Manitoba, Canada
I do not pronounce it with familiarity
I do not read it
I do not spell it
Dare I say I speak it at all
Pepper burns my tongue
I turn away from the heat
I do not take the spice
Dare I say I have a taste at all
The Jalisco too small
Tucked away, unused, unworn
Body stiff, and still
Dare I say I can dance at all
Though in my blood
Though in my citizenship
It is not to be found in me
Dare I say I am Spanish at all
Y Me Atrevo a Decir
por Cassandra Martens Diaz, 17, Manitoba, Canada
No lo pronuncio fácilmente
No lo puedo leer
No lo puedo deletrear
Y me atrevo a decir que lo hablo
El ají quema mi lengua
Prefiero alejarme del chile
No tolero el picante
Y me atrevo a decir que lo saboreo
Mi traje de charra me queda chico
Alzado, sin usarlo ni vestirlo
Cuerpo rigido, e inmóvil
Y me atrevo a decir que bailo
A pesar que está en mí sangre
A pesar que está en mí ciudadania
No lo he podido encontrar en mí
Y me atrevo a decir que soy Latina
Cassandra adds: "My family immigrated to Canada from Chihuahua, Mexico when I was
very young. Since I was raised in a country that was culturally very different from Mexico, I have always felt detached
from my extended family because I lack a lot of the experiences that they’ve had. It is important to me that
I continue to work on my Spanish and learn more about my mom's culture.. I am just beginning to submit my work
for publication. I was inspired by Jessica Wang’s heartfelt story submission, Xiang Xiang,
published by Skipping Stones."
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