The Unforgettable Memories of School

The Unforgettable Memories of School

 Waking up in the morning was a pain,
 Four more days to go, we’d say in our brain.
 Oh! Those long morning assemblies,
 Where we melted in summers and in winters stood numbly.
 I bet we all had a teacher who was like our worst nightmare,
 I will never forget all the gossip about her that we shared.
 Faking signatures was an inborn talent we all had,
 And making excuses was like our jam.
 In lunch breaks we shared our food,
 On one’s birthday to get two chocolates we argued.
 We passed chits around the class,
 From one end to another we would sit and laugh.
 The times before the exams were filled with anxiety and stress,
 Oh! Those dreadful sleepless nights, the misery we couldn’t express.
 We made many friends, but the true ones stayed,
 The others were good, but they eventually fade.
 For the weekend we would desperately long,
 The best two days of the week, oh! So, fast they would already be gone.
 We stuck with each other in times of laughter and in times of strife,
 Unaware of it all we made memories for life.
By Simerah Pinto, age 13, Dubai, U.A.E. 
Photo: Simerah Pinto, age 13, Dubai, U.A.E.

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