Art and Poem by Daniel Liu, age 16, New York.

There is constant talk
Of the world ending in three days
Or is it four years, or five decades, but definitely when
the polar bears start swimming to New York
The sea groans and rumbles
As waves upon waves of human trash clog her up
She sniffles amidst the crushing silence
Sea snot collects on her waves
History starts to crumble
Our oldest trees cut down
Nature groans and shakes
In a futile effort to stop the abuse
The planet prepares itself for destruction
The pain is unlike anything she has ever experienced before
Crops shrivel up in the infernos that run rampant across the landscape
Such displays are necessary to attract humanity’s short attention span
Animals feel nature’s anguish
They flee North
Until they cannot go any further
More lives snuffed out by humanity’s greed
The most vulnerable of the population suffer
Heat waves overwhelm the wounded, elderly, and sick
Surely we did not mean to wage warfare on the defenseless
But it is only a matter of time before conditions deteriorate further
Schoolchildren sullenly trudge across the parched land
The sky turns black as clouds suddenly gather
They look up, hopeful for the touch of the fabled snowflake
Warm rain drizzles, then the omnipresent sun returns
In some places floods wash away human remains
Our ancestors disturbed by Nature’s wrath
They weep as they behold the desolate world around them
For the fate of the next generation

Daniel Liu adds: “I am a sixteen year old writer that lives in New York. I am very passionate about the issue of climate change, as it is an enduring issue that grows ever larger with each generation and is deserving of attention from all of society. These poems are a testament to the various consequences of climate change in every aspect of society, from agriculture to insurance. To this extent, I hope that these poems are enough to inspire a sense of alarm for the Earth’s future, but just as importantly, hope that humanity can unify in order to reverse the ecological damage that has been done. It is in times of great crisis that innovation and change are at their peak, and humanity’s resilience is shown through our uplifting moments.”