Content for Youth

Skipping Stones is a nonprofit, noncommercial, literary magazine that encourages cooperation, creativity, and celebration of cultural and linguistic diversity. We explore stewardship of the ecological and social webs that nurture us. We offer a forum for communication among young people from different lands and backgrounds. We try to expand your horizons in a playful, creative way.

The content–Poems, stories, articles, artwork, and photographs–published on this website reflects creativity, views and opinions of the contributors, and not necessarily those of Skipping Stones, Inc. or its board of directors and editors. Ideas expressed are not professional advice.

This is offered as a public service, free of charge. We hope you will enjoy our educational and entertaining content, and feel inspired to write something yourself. We invite you share your creative work with us and our readership.

In this section you can read full content of our recently published issues, as well as many sample pieces from 2020, 2019, and 2018 issues. The most recent content is published under the 2021-22 New Content section.

Reprints and Photocopies of the Content: To receive permission to reprint or to make multiple photocopies of any specific pieces for use other than for yourself, please contact us via email: info(AT)skippingstones(DOT)org.

Thanks for visiting us, come often!

Black Lives Matter

Autumn 2021 Issue

Winter 2021 Issue

2021 New Content

Recent Back Issues

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