• The Hindus for Human Rights’ 2024 Essay and Art Contest Winners have been announced. Read the winning entries here.
• 2024 Minoru Yasui Student Contest Winners Announced!
The 2024 contest theme was “Advancing Democracy” and prompted Oregon students to think about what an ideal democracy looked like, challenges to achieving democracy, and how to overcome them. Contestants expressed their answers through a visual art piece and artist statement. The winners were announced in Portland this month. And they are as follows:
Junior Division:1st Place: Morgan Salvo, 8th grade, Arts and Communication Magnet Academy, Beaverton, Oregon.2nd Place: Emmeline Henriquez, 7th grade, Arts and Communication Magnet Academy, Beaverton, Oregon.Senior Division:1st Place: Saya Tipton, 10th grade, Grant High School in Portland, Oregon2nd Place: Evie Chan, 10th grade, Oregon Episcopal School in Portland, OregonOrganized by the Minoru Yasui Legacy Project and the Japanese American Museum of Oregon, the Minoru Yasui Student Contest offers students the opportunity to explore societal topics in connection with the legacy of Minoru Yasui (1916-1986), the only Oregonian to have been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. For More information, visit the Minoru Yasui Legacy Project or email to: studentcontest@minoruyasuilegacy.org
* Soroptimist International of Eugene & Skipping Stones Contest
We Are Pleased to Announce the Winners of our Women in S.T.E.M. Contest:
First Place: “The Seamstress and the Mystery of the Argonaut” by Lily Yao, 16, Sophomore, Oregon
Second Place: “Marian Diamond” by Olive Passaro, 17, Oregon
Third Place: “Orange Peels” by Anna Dillon, 18, Oregon
The winning pieces have been published in the March-August 2024 issue of Skipping Stones. The winners were honored at the “Live Your Dream” Awards Dinner (and International Women’s Day Celebration) organized by Soroptimist International of Eugene on Thursday, March 7th. In addition to the cash prize (First Place winner $300.00; Second Place winner $200.00, and Third Place winner $100.00), each winner received an honor certificate, subscription to Skipping Stones magazine, and three multicultural/nature books.
* 2023 Contest Winners Announced! Soroptimist International of Eugene & Skipping Stones Magazine have announced the Winners of our 2023 Women in S.T.E.M. Awards. You can read the winning entries here. The three winning entries have also been published in our March-August 2023 issue. You can read the Spring 2023 issue here. The winners were honored at the awards dinner organized by the Soroptimist International of Eugene on March 8th in Eugene.
* Essay and Art Contest on Civil and Human Rights (winners announced!)
Dalit Solidarity Forum in the USA and Hindus for Human Rights are pleased to announce the winners of their third annual Essay and Art Contest on Civil and Human Rights. The theme was: Which South Asian Social Justice Activist Do You Admire and Why?
High School Essay Winners:
* First Prize: Samara Desai, grade 9, North Carolina, for “Guruchand Thakur”
* Second Prize: Saraah Zaheer, grade 12, Tennessee, for “Rana Ayyub”
* Third Prize: Titas Mukherjee, grade 11, North Carolina, for “Kavita Emmanuel”
High School Art Winners:
* First Prize: Kommali Kommana, grade 12, North Carolina, for “Kailash Satyarthi”
* Second Prize: Eshita Lahiri, grade 10, Louisiana, for “Seema Hari”
* Third Prize: Neha Srinivasan, grade 12, North Carolina, for “Kiran Bedi”
Middle School Winner:
* Megan Gurung, Grade 6, New York, for “Dr. Bishnu Maya Pariyar”
Hearty Congratulations to all the winners! The winning entries are being published in both Skipping Stones Magazine. Read all the winning entries here.
* 30th Anniversary Contest (Past Program)
NOTE: The Winners were published in the Autumn 2019 issue.
We invite writings by youth (ages 7 to 18 years) on intercultural, international or multicultural understanding and/or nature & environmental themes.
Essays, letters, stories, etc. should be exactly 30 words or 30 sentences.
Poems must be either 30 words or 30 lines, exactly.
Please include a parental permission (allowing us to publish your work, if selected for publishing), your contact information, and a cover letter telling us about your age/grade, your cultural background, dreams and visions. Entries must be received in our office by 30th of April 2019.
Winners will be published in our Autumn 2019 issue. They will also receive a certificate and 30 back issues of Skipping Stones as a prize.
Send your entries to: editor(AT)skippingstones(DOT)org
P. O. Box 3939, Eugene, Oregon 97403 USA