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Skipping Stones is Ready to Donate Books for Low-income Schools and Libraries.

Are you working with students from low-income families or communities of color? Are you a school or library that needs more books? We have many books that we wish to donate to schools, teachers, and public libraries serving low-income students and/or communities of color. We have nature books as well as books on cultural awareness and diversity. In terms of ages/readership levels, we have juvenile novels, chapter books, picture books, and a few reference books.

Skipping Stones invites you to write to us about students you serve, as well as your needs and wants in terms of books. We want to donate these books for your public school or library but we request that you cover the shipping costs. We think $50 to $100 will adequately cover the shipping of about 50 (1 box) to 100 (2 boxes) books, respectively. $200 will bring you four big boxes of books… about 200 to 250 books. We are happy to work with you if s & h payment is an issue for you.

Please note that we are NOT able to fulfill donation requests from overseas schools or libraries because of the high cost of airmail postage. Within the USA, we can use the cheaper MEDIA MAIL or LIBRARY RATE. Send your requests to info(AT)skippingstones(DOT)org or by snail mail to:

EDITOR, Skipping Stones Magazine, 166 W. 12th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 USA

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