By Robyn Bjorkman, age 10, Michigan.
When the snow starts melt,
And the grass comes into view,
People are in a happy mood.
Day by day, the temperature will rise,
And there will be more sunshine,
More people will be out,
Enjoying the season,
For there will be many reasons.
There’s no more snow,
On the roads,
You can finally ride your bike.
Warm enough to unzip your coat,
But chilly enough when the wind blows.
Pleasant enough for when you see the birds again,
But fingertips turn cold when you aren’t wearing mittens.
When Spring comes, we get Spring Fever,
And folks don’t want it to be muddy either.
But there can be lots of great things,
Like when you (again) hear the birds sing,
And when you can ride your bike,
And get as dirty as you like.

Poem by Robyn Bjorkman, age 10, Michigan. Robyn like to go on adventures, write stories and create songs, and read. She hope to keep on writing.