Contact Info


Editor and Publisher:  Arun Narayan Toké

Webmaster:  Dennis Rivers

Board of Directors:  Paulette Ansari, Esther Celis, Steve Mallery, Ron Marson, Joachim Shultz, and Arun N. Toké.

Location: We are located at 166 W. 12th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 USA

To submit, order issues, request reprint permission, or to request a copy of our recent annual report, please write to:
Skipping Stones Magazine
166 W. 12th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401 USA

You can also send your requests via email to: info (at) skippingstones(dot)org
Tel. number: (541) 342-4956

NOTE: We no longer have the Post Office Box address. Please take a note of the street address for all snail mail communications with us. Thank you.

For shipping, please use our physical address:
166 W. 12th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401

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