Skipping Stones News

What’s New?

* We are pleased to announce our special issue on Gaza!
From Gaza to the World:  Art and Writings by Palestinian Youth.

* The Hindus for Human Rights’ 2024 Essay and Art Contest Winners have been announced. Read the Winning Entries here.

* We are expanding! While our mission to focus on today’s youth remains unchanged, we’re now also accepting submissions geared for grown-ups. We invite your writings and art that will help parents, teachers, and grown-up friends of our younger readership. We have created a special section on the website: Content for Grown-ups. In this section, we will feature writings and art to help grown-ups make better choices in their and  their family’s everyday life—health and wellness, social awareness, raising young ones and parenting, global issues, peace and justice, and nature/ecological protection, etc.

* You can now read: Seeing the World on a Bicycle, an interesting article about our executive editor’s world travels and his reasons for starting Skipping Stones in 1988. The article was also published in an Indian online news outlet, CounterCurrents recently.

* The 2024 Youth Honor Awards have been announced! And a Special 2024 Youth Honor Awards Digital Feature is ready for your reading! Download all the winning (and a number of noteworthy) entries here. (8 Mb file).

The Awards 2024 issue (Vol. 36, no. 2) is now online for your reading pleasure. In addition to the youth awards, it features book awards, haiku/Tanka exhibit and the Celebrate America creative writing contest winners.  You can order print copies here.

* The 2024 Book Awards Have Been Announced!
We are pleased to announce our 2024 Skipping Stones Honor Awards
Winners! You can download a pdf file (8 Mb size) with reviews of all the 28 recommended books in our usual three categories here!

* Happy International Women’s Day & Women’s History Month, March 2024! We are pleased to announce that our Spring 2024 issue is now available. Soroptimist International of Eugene & Skipping Stones Contest
We are pleased to announce the Winners of our Women in S.T.E.M. Contest:
First Place: “The Seamstress and the Mystery of the Argonaut” by Lily Yao, age 16.

Second Place: “Marian Diamond” by Olive Passaro, 17.
Third Place: “Orange Peels” by Anna Dillon, 18.
The winning pieces are published in the March-August 2024 issue.

* Observe the Black History Month by reading Resilience, by Arianna Shaprow, age 12.

Our 36th Anniversary Sale: Get 10 back issues for $36 or 36 back issues for $100!

2024 Youth Honor Awards Program Announced

2024 Haiku and Tanka Contest Announced

2024 Book Awards Program Announced

The 2023 Writing and Art Contest on Human and Civil Rights: Download winning entries here!

The 2023 Youth Honor Award Winners Announced!

Hearty Congratulations to our 2023 Youth Honor Awards Winners! We had received many outstanding entries this year.  While we have honored many entrants, ages 9 to 17, for their creative, thought-provoking contributions of art and writing, we simply couldn’t include all worthy entries in the Awards Issue. We will publish many more Noteworthy Entries in our next issue (Spring 2024) as well as on the website, beginning in mid-September. All contributors and subscribers will be sent the issue when ready. Everyone who entered their works will also get a copy of the Awards Issue to be released on Sept. 1st (some entrants will receive digital copies via e-mail due to the high-cost of the international postage).

The 2023 Winners are:

Sophie Xu, age 9, grade 4, Illinois, and  Eden You, age 10, New York.

Nova Macknik-Conde, age 11, and  Iago Macknik-Conde, age 16, New York.

Jaslene Kwack, age 13, Illinois, and  Arianna Shaprow Crain, age 12, Nevada.

William Park, age 17,  Virginia, and  Elena Davis, age 15, Virginia

Minseo Choi, h.s. junior, Seoul, South Korea, and  Chloe Rui, grade 8, California.

Ellie Payne, age 17, Kansas, and  Juliana Isabelle Ongking, age 17, Philippines.

Yutong (Annie) Wei, grade 8, and  Mia Liu, age 13, both of Ontario, Canada.

Ishani Singh, grade 10, New Jersey, and  Nidhi Nadgir, age 15, California.

Students of Share Ground Project in South Korea.

Thank you for your submissions and entries that make Skipping Stones issues possible!

* Happy July 4th to all our Readers! * Here in the United States of America, we’re a nation of immigrants. For your reading pleasure, the 2023 Celebrate America Creative Writing Contest winners were announced last week. You can download the winning entries here. We will also publish them in the Awards Issue (available end of August) along with this year’s Youth Awards, Asian Celebration Haiku Contest and the Book Awards. The 2023 book awards have been announced today. Check the Awards and Contest section for the winners or download them here.

May is being celebrated as the annual API (Asian and Pacific Islanders) Heritage Month.

The 2023 Youth Honor Awards and The 2023 Haiku and Tanka Contest entries are being evaluated. We have received many outstanding entries from many countries and regions of North America. We will announce our 2023 selection in mid-August. The Awards Issue will feature our 2023 awards, haiku contest and book recommendations.

*NEW* We are co-sponsoring yet another writing contest: Quill and Keyboarda not-for-profit organization, comprised of high school students, is hosting a writing contest for teenage authors. With the rise of technology like ChatGPT, they realized that it is even more critical to provide more opportunities to creative writers. Skipping Stones Magazine has agreed to cosponsor their contest and publish winners in categories like the Personal Essays, Song Lyrics, poetry, and Journalism, out of the 15 categories (Poetry, Song Lyrics, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Short Story, Personal Essays, Novel Writing, Journalism, Humor, Flash Fiction, Dramatic Script, Critical Essays, Horror, Philosophy, Speeches, and Classic Literary Adaptations) that one can enter. There is no entry fee for this contest. Entries due by: May 20, 2023. You can download the details of the contest here.

*New* S.T.E.M. Contest Winners Announced!

Soroptimist International of Eugene & Skipping Stones Magazine have announced the winners of our 2023 Women in S.T.E.M. Awards. Read the winning entries here. The three winning entries have been published in our March-August 2023 issue, released on March 8th. Read the Spring 2023 issue here. The winners were honored at the Awards Dinner organized by the Soroptimist International of Eugene on the International Women’s Day, March 8th in Eugene.

*NEW* We are no longer using the post office box address. Please use our street address as our mailing address to write to Skipping Stones via snail mail. The correct address for mailing and shipping is:

Skipping Stones

166 W 12th Avenue

Eugene Oregon 97401 USA.

* We have announced the 2022 Youth Honor Award Winners. You can visit the Contests and Awards section to see the winners. The Awards issue has been mailed to the contributors, award winners and subscribers. You can also read the full issue here.


* August 2, 2022:   The 2022 Skipping Stones Book Awards have been announced. You can download the 2022 Honors List here. It is also published in our Awards Issue (available now). The book reviews can be downloaded here.

* Celebrate America 2022 Creative Writing Contest Winners Announced by American Immigration Council. Read the winning entries here.

* Uvalde Victim Lexi Rubio’s Parents Say: “As Her Voice, We Demand Action!”

According to a news report, Ten-year-old Lexi Rubio was among the 21 victims (18 of them were children!) of the mass shooting last week at Robb Elem. School in Uvalde, Texas. Lexi’s mom, Kimberly Rubio, with tears in her eyes, told members of the U.S. Congress at the Gun Violence Epidemic hearing on June 8th, 2022 that “We don’t want you to think of Lexi as just a number,” describing her “intelligent, compassionate, and athletic” daughter who aspired to become a lawyer and “would have made a positive change in this world.”

“So today, we stand for Lexi, and as her voice, we demand action. We seek a ban on assault rifles and high-capacity magazines,” she said. “We understand that for some reason, to some people—to people with money, to people who fund political campaigns—that guns are more important than children, so at this moment, we ask for progress.”

“We seek to raise the age to purchase these weapons from 18 to 21 years of age,” Mrs. Rubio added. “We seek red flag laws, stronger background checks. We also want to repeal gun manufacturers’ gun liability immunity.”

There have been close to 300 gun shootings in the nation’s schools in since 2009. Compare that with only a handful (5 or 6) in five other industrialized countries taken together—Canada, UK, France, Germany and Japan! Why this huge gap? 

As a forum for young people all over, Skipping Stones encourages our readers and their parents to contact their representatives in the government to pass strict gun safety laws. About 45,000 people die annually as a result of gun violence in the country currently. The U.S. Constitution was written with the intention of “Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness” for the citizen, and the lawmakers have so far failed to deliver on that promise. The first priority of all lawmakers must be to protect lives of people. We depend on the governments—local, state and national—for our safety. Lawmakers must act to make our schools, streets, communities, and public spaces safe. Demand that our representatives—Senators and Congressmen from all political parties—take every action to minimize gun violence in our country.

The 2022 Young Poet Awards contest winners have been announced. click here to read the winning entries.

The 2022 Haiku & Tanka Contest entries are now closed. Also, the 2022 Youth Honor Award entries are now closed. 2022 Book Awards will be announced soon–in MID JUNE– on the website. All contest winners will be published in our upcoming Awards Issue (available in August) and also on this website.

We have announced the 2022 Youth Honor Awards program. Note the YHA entries are due by April 25, 2022. The winners will be published in our special Awards Issue 2022.

We wish you a very happy Autumn Equinox and National Hispanic American Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct.15)!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933-2020) served as an associate justice of the U. S. Supreme Court for 27 years. She was appointed by President Clinton and became the second woman to serve in this important judicial capacity after Sandra Day O’Connor. Justice Ginsburg was a well-known champion of gender equality and women’s rights. She died on September 18th, 2020, at the age of 87, after her battle with pancreatic cancer. You might like to watch RBG (2018), a documentary about her life to learn more about her.

Portrait of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg by artist Alix Mosieur of Loraine, Oregon.

Sept. 2, 2021: Our Autumn 2021 issue is online now!

The 2021 Youth Honor Award Winners Announced!

• August 17. Hearty Congratulations to all the winners! We received many outstanding entries for the youth awards this year, and so we decided to have many joint awards and two group awards as below. 

* Poems by 4th and 5th Grade Students of Ms. Milman at Laurence School, California

* Emily Meng, age 10, Connecticut, and Emily Tang, age 12, North Carolina

* Aditi Nair, age 12, Virginia, and Ryan Park, age 13, New York

* Saanvi Dhupar, age 13, New York, and Jasreen Randhawa, age 13, Alberta, Canada

* Tinklyn (Jinyuan) Xiang, age 14, British Columbia, Canada, and Liz Duke-Moe, age 17, Idaho

* Christopher Joszczyk, age 14, Connecticut, and Thee Sim Ling, age 14, Singapore

* Jamie Nguyen, age 15, California, and Rashi Lakhotia, age 16, Florida

* Catherine Xiong, age 17, British Columbia, Canada, and Julia Kiaer, age 17, Oregon

* Krithika Gopalakrishnan, age 17, Washington, and Ashley Yoon, age 17, California

* Artwork by Students of Mr. Hyun Sung Jung in Seoul, South Korea

Winners will receive their honor certificates, the awards issue and prize books in September. Everyone who entered the awards will receive a comp. copy of the issue in September. The issue also features the Asian Celebration Haiku Contest and the 2021 Book Awards. Since we couldn’t include all the Noteworthy entries that we wanted to publish in the issue, they will be published online here on our website in a few weeks.

We will also publish the Awards issue on this website for your reading pleasure in a few weeks!

*  * * *

July 18. All the 2021 book reviews are in! You can download the reviews of our 2021 Skipping Stones Award Winning Books here. Thank you.

• June 23.  The 2021 Skipping Stones Book Awards have been announced. You can download the 2021 Honors List here. Our hearty congratulations to all the authors, illustrators and producers of these wonderful multicultural, international and nature awareness books. Book reviews will be posted in a few weeks. Please revisit the page in the middle of July to read the reviews. Thank you.

• Our 2021 Youth Honor Awards program invites your writing—poetry and prose, art, and photographs, etc. by June 25. Check the details under the CONTESTS button! The TEN Winners (representing our broad readership—ages 7 to 17) and a few noteworthy entries will be published both on the website and also in the next issue (which is expected to be out in early September).

• June 1: Skipping Stones to Donate Books for Low-income Schools and Libraries. Are you working with students from low-income families or communities of color? Are you a school or library that needs more books? We have many books that we wish to donate to schools and public libraries serving low-income students and/or communities of color. We have nature books as well as books on cultural awareness and diversity. In terms of ages/readership levels, we have juvenile novels, chapter books, picture books, and a few reference books.

Skipping Stones invites you to write to us about students you serve, as well as your needs and wants in terms of books. We want to donate these books but we request that you cover the shipping costs. We think $50 or $100 will adequately cover the shipping of about 50 to 100 books, respectively. $200 will bring you four big boxes of books… about 200 to 250 books. We are happy to work with you.

Please note that we are NOT able to fulfill donation requests from overseas schools or libraries because of the high cost of airmail postage. Within the USA, we can use the cheaper MEDIA MAIL or LIBRARY RATE. Send your requests to info(AT)skippingstones(DOT)org or by snail mail to: EDITOR, Skipping Stones Magazine, P. O. Box 3939 Eugene, Oregon 97403-0939

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! The Oregon Asian Celebration, which had been planned as an outdoor Friday evening event for this whole month, will now take place at end of July due to the current Covid-19 situation in Oregon. While our Haiku Exhibit will still be held as a Window Front Exhibit at the Eugene Public Library for the month of May, we are also planning to have the exhibit during the Asian Celebration in July. Skipping Stones will publish select haiku and tanka poem entries in our next issue (to be published in September). See (below) one of the many entries we have received. The issue will also feature the annual Youth Honor Awards and the 2021 Book Awards.

Entry by Rachel Xu, grade 9, Florida

April 22. Happy Earth Day 2021. We have much to do if we want to change the ecologically destructive course that human society is on. Climate Crisis is here and we must act NOW to avoid this impending emergency. Read our editor’s Earth Day message here.

The month of April is being celebrated as the National Poetry Month. Skipping Stones publishes poetry by youth around the world. This week, we plan to publish two poems by Mohammed Faisal, a 19-year-old Rohingya poem living in a refugee camp in Bangladesh. Read some of the recently published poems on this website. Haiku and tanka are special Japanese poetry forms. Send in your Haiku and Tank Entries to our annual Asian Celebration Haiku Contest by the 19th of April!

A few portraits of women sent by our artist friend Jon Bush of Massachusetts.

• The Asian Celebration Haiku Contest Entries are being welcomed via email as well as snail mail. We will accept your entries until the 19th of April. Please see the details under the CONTESTS tab.

• We are reading and reviewing the many multicultural/international and nature/ecology books received for the 2021 Honor Awards program. The 2021 Honors List will be announced in May 2021.

* Our current issue features an essay: Muted: Fifth Grade Conversations About Slavery by Iris Haq Lukoyo, a ten-year-old African American girl. Julianne McShane, a freelance journalist working with the Lily, the gender-focused publication of the Washington Post, saw it online and wrote a thought-provoking article featuring Iris’s experiences that enabled her to write the essay. We highly recommend this wonderful article by Julianne in The Lily. Click on the link below to read it!

• Jan. 2021: The January – March 2021 Issue is now available! The contributors and subscribers have been sent their copies. If you wish to order a printed copy, please send us an email. We have also uploaded the content. Visit the CONTENT area to read the issue. Thanks.
Cover Art by Aria Luna, age 10, California.

An Important Change:

Now that our January – March 2021 (Vol. 33, no. 1) issue has been published, we have suspended our print editions as planned. We are continuing to update the website and add new content—poems, stories, essays, art and photographs—to our website. You can visit the website free of charge, and as often as you wish. See the CONTENTS section to read the Jan. – Mar. 2021 issue.

All submissions not published so far or received in the future will only be considered for publication on the website. You can order single issues as well as back issues in quantity for a discount. We are pleased to send gifts of single issues or sets of any number of issues (five or ten, for example). We are no longer taking orders for new subscriptions or gift subscriptions.

Thank you for your support.

—The Editor

Sept. 2020: Hearty Congratulations to the 2020 Youth Honor Award Winners. Winners are published in our Autumn 2020 issue:

* Emily Yen, 10, Texas, & Aadhya Rakesh, 10, New Jersey, & Aily Wei, 10, New Jersey

* Ms. Milman’s Students at Laurence School, California

* Montserrat Llacuna, 12, Massachusetts, & Leanna Hsu, 12, New York

* Christopher Joszczyk, 13, Connecticut, & Sabrina Guo, 14, New York, & Leah Johnson,14, Virginia

* Claire Zhu, 15, California, & Katharine Tena, 15, Pennsylvania, & Siddhartha Chakilam, 15, India

* Farah Lindsey-Almadani, 16, Washington, & Tina Huang, 16, Virginia

* Xiaohong (Helen) Gui, 17, New York, & Jolin Chan, 17, California

* Lauren Bartel, 16, Florida, & Srinjoyi Lahiri, 17, Texas, & Megan Fan, 17, Michigan

* Anna Kiesewetter, 17, Washington, & Christina Chaperon, 17, Massachusetts

* Alison Karki, 17, New Jersey, & Lorena Sosa, 17, Florida, & Jiayi Liao, 17, P. R. China

Also see the Youth Awards section under the Contests button. 

New: We have announced the 2020 Skipping Stones Book Awards. See the Honors List below. You can download reviews of the Honored Books here.
The Summer 2020 issue announcing the awards has been mailed to subscribers and contributors. You can download the Full pdf file for Summer 2020 issue here.
Do you have some free time this spring and summer to read back issues of our magazine? We are offering back issues for $3.50 each if you order FOUR or MORE issues. For TEN or more issues, the price is only $3 each. And, you pay no postage (for orders in the U.S.). Contact us at: info(AT)skippingstones(DOT)org
Youth Honor Awards winners will be announced in our Autumn 2020 issue.

We have uploaded the Spring 2020 issue, Vol. 32, no. 2. To download the whole issue, please click here!


Coping with the Current Challenges (From the Editor)

These are trying times! Are you feeling the stress that’s going viral? As I write this letter, there are a lot of uncertainties looming on the horizon. All over the world, a number of events and services are being suspended. We are getting tons of emails about ways to cope with the virus that has spread so rapidly on all the continents and in most countries.

We live in a globalized world. Events and issues from one part of the world impact the rest of the world. To contain this virus, governments and institutions have restricted travel, cancelled public gatherings and closed schools and libraries. Everyone’s schedule has been interrupted. Please know that these measures are in the best interest of us all and our human society.

Since no immunization is available for Coronavirus at this time, the best strategy is to slow its spread. That way our health care and social systems are not stretched to their breaking points. We can reduce the risk of getting the virus and spreading it in the community by realizing that for now, prevention is the best cure. To reduce a rapid spread of the virus:

*  Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if no water is available.

* Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

* Avoid close contact with those who show the symptoms.

* Stay home if you have a cough, fever, or illness.

* Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw it  away in the trash. No tissue? Cough into your elbow.

* Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently touched.

Doctors are also suggesting that we follow best practices for social distancing, including staying away from others who are sick, washing hands often, and avoiding crowds. No hand-shakes, kisses, or hugs to greet people. Recommended social distance is six feet.

The Coronavirus is not deadly for most people, especially the young and healthy. If we are helping each other, there is no reason to feel desperate. We have been through tough times, as communities and countries, many times in human history, and we have pulled out of those insurmountable situations. (On pages 24-25, read about the Dust Bowl crisis of the 1930s). We are in this together—as a nation and as the whole world. There is no reason to be in a panic mode even if this COVID-19 epidemic has been called a global pandemic by the WHO (World Health Organization). It just reminds us to spare no efforts to overcome this. Let’s do our part in helping contain it.

One tried and true way to feel hopeful and in charge, is to be involved in doing something positive.

In February, about 120 youth, ages 9 to 18, and their mentors came together for an Environmental Leadership Summit. The weekend was organized by PeaceJam Northwest at the University of Oregon and was focused on the urgent challenges facing the environment we live in. Youth have shown strong leadership around the world in addressing these issues, and the event offered them a chance to inspire and inform each other. There were workshops, action planning using sustainable business models, interactive events, and a keynote address by Kiran Oommen, one of the youth plaintiffs in the landmark climate lawsuit Juliana vs United States brought by Our Children’s Trust. It was an inspiring gathering that encouraged cooperation and community. PeaceJam is an international education organization guided by over a dozen Nobel Peace Prize winners and with programs in 40 countries. Their mission is to inspire young people to create projects at a local level that have a global impact. 

In the weeks ahead, you might find that your school is cancelled, and that you are spending days at home. You can think of that time as your “individual study time.” Read books from neighbors and e-books from the library, write stories, learn some new skills like cooking or practice musical instruments, sing, and walk or jog outdoors. Your time at home can be devoted to do things that you always wanted to learn or practice.

Our Spring 2020 issue features nature awareness and nature appreciation. As you browse through you will see scores of nature haiku, many with eye-catching nature art—all by youth like yourself. This issue’s photo essay (pages 16-20) by photographer Paul Dix features many wilderness areas and high mountains that offer a place for nature to thrive. The majestic peaks are symbols of the grandeur of nature. It wouldn’t surprise me if after seeing these breath-taking photographs, your family decides to visit them sometime in the future.

Wishing you good health this year and beyond,



Welcome to the Winter 2020 Issue of Skipping Stones!

*NEW* We invited your Haiku and Nature art entries for the 2020 Asian Celebration Haiku Contest. Select entries were displayed in the Asian Celebration Exhibit Hall and also published in Skipping Stones, Spring 2020. Every one whose Haiku is published will get a comp. copy of the issue. See details under the CONTESTS menu.


Welcome to the Autumn 2019 Issue of

Skipping Stones: A Multicultural Literary Magazine

The 2019 Youth Honor Awards

We are pleased to honor the following students for their creative work promoting an understanding of cultural diversity and/or appreciation of nature with our 2019 Youth Honor Awards. Their exemplary writing and art makes the 2019 Awards Issue worthy of your attention.

Our Hearty Congratulations to the 2019 Winners:

*  Sanah N. Hutchins, 9,  Washington DC

* Jisoo Yoo, 10, California 

* Lynn Tao, 14, Virginia

* Uma Menon, 16, Florida

* Athena Yao, 16, New York

* Grace Pignolo, 16, Minnesota

* Isabelle Han, 17, Texas

** Fourth Graders, Laurence School, California

** Students at Na‘au Learning Center, Hawai‘i

** Farah Lindsey-Almadani, 15, Washington and  Sophie Zhu, 16, California                                                                   

Joint Awards, denoted by **, are multiple entries from two or more students that are being recognized together. The winners of the 2019 Skipping Stones Youth Honor Awards will each receive an honor certificate, five multicultural and/or nature books, and a subscription to Skipping Stones (Joint winners will share the prizes).  Winners will also be invited to our Student Review Board.

Hearty Congratulations also to the 30th Anniversary Contest Winners:

* Hiba Faruqi, 16,  Texas

* Albert Ko, 10, Hawaii. 

* Renny Jiang, 16, California.

* Manjari Sharma, 16, India

* Caitlin Roberts, 17, Alaska

** Grade 2 and 3 Students at Saraha Children’s School, Oregon

** Emily Green’s 8th Grade Students, Toledo, Ohio

The winners of the contest will each receive an honor certificate, and 30 back issues (Joint winners will share the prizes) and complimentary copies of the current issue.  Winners will also be invited to our Student Review Board.

The Autumn issue will be mailed to the subscribers and contributors on Sept. 24th and 25th.

Our Summer 2019 issue has been released. The issue features:

Annual Asian Celebration Haiku Contest, with over 50 haiku and nature art by students

The 2019 Honors List of 27 Multicultural and Nature Awareness Books, and 3 teaching resources

• The 2019  Celebrate America Creative Writing Contest of the American Immigration Council

• And much more… poems, stories, and also nature photos by photographer Katsuyuki Shibata.

See sample pages from the issue under CONTENTS menu bar.

You can download the Honors List of 2019 Skipping Stones Book Awards, p.1, and Book Awards, p.2

You can also download reviews of the award-winning books here.
• Youth Honor Award entries are now closed. Winners will be featured in Fall issue!

Spring 2019 issue (Vol. 31, no. 2) has been mailed to the subscribers and contributors. We have included a number of sample pages from the issue on this website. Please visit the CONTENTS tab and select Spring 2019 issues to  check out  sample pages of art, photos and writing from the issue.

Spring2019 cover

• A select group of the 2019 Asian Celebration Haiku Contest entries will be published in our Summer 2019 issue (Vol. 31, no.3). Check out the details under the Contests tab to enter your best creations.

30th Anniversary Contest (entry date closed)! We are working on selecting the winners. The winning entries will be featured in our Autumn 2019 issue.

We invite  creative writing by youth (7 to 18 year olds) on intercultural, international or multicultural understanding and/or nature & environmental themes.  Essays, letters, stories, etc.  should be exactly 30 words or 30 sentences, and poems should be either 30 words or 30 lines, exactly.

Please include a parental permission allowing us to publish your entry if selected, contact information, and a cover letter telling us about your age/grade, your cultural background, dreams and visions. Entries must be received by April 30th, 2019. Winners will be published in our Autumn 2019 issue, and they will also receive a certificate and 30 back issues of Skipping Stones as a prize.  

Send your contest entries to:  editor(AT)skippingstones(DOT)org 

or snail mail to:  P. O. Box 3939, Eugene, Oregon 97403 USA

Winter 2019 SK

The 2018 Multicultural Art Exhibit was on display at the Eugene Public Library and also at several other locations in Eugene during October and November 2018. The Spring 2019 issue will feature many of the art pieces that were on display.

2019 Skipping Stones Book Awards:

The 2019 Skipping Stones Book Awards program has been announced. We invite multicultural, international and / or nature books and teaching resources from authors, creators and/or publishers. All entries should be received for our consideration by February 28th, 2019. The winners will be announced in our Summer 2019 issue (Vol. 31, no. 3) and on the website in June 2019.

For more information about the 2019 Book Awards program, please click:  2019Publisher.Request. 

For the 2019 Entry forms, please click: BookAwards form 2019

Our Autumn 2018 issue features the 2018 Youth Honor Awards— an amazing collection of multicultural art, photography and creative writing by students from around the world.

  • Youth Honor Award winners have been finalized. We will also announce the winners in our Autumn 2018 issue to be released on Sept. 21st. In addition to the ten winners, we plan to publish a number of noteworthy entries in the issue. All entrants can expect to get a copy of the awards issue in end of September or early October, depending on where they live. International students should expect the issues in the second half of October.

Hearty Congratulations to the 2018 Youth Honor Award Winners: all the amazing artists and authors listed below!

• Aevah Aadya Arun, age 7, Ontario, Canada

•  Montserrat Llacuna, age 10, Massachusetts, and Aliya Shetty Oza, age 9, India

•  Anne Grier, age 12, Maryland, and Amithi Tadigadapa, age 13, Pennsylvania

•  Kaya Dierks, age 15, California, and Tanisha Gunby, age 15, California

•  Manjyot Kaur, age 16, New York. (see cover art).

•  Maya Savin Miller, age 15, California, and Koluchi Odiegwu, 17, Georgia

•  Clare Maleeny, age 17, New York, and Hunter Bren, 14, California

•  Students of Na‘au Learning Center, Honolulu, Hawai‘i

• Artwork by Students of Teacher Hyun Sung Jung in South Korea

•  Student Table Tennis Activists Foundation; founded by Albert Zhang, 17, Georgia

The Awards issue will be mailed by Sept. 21st to all the winners and the entrants as well as our subscribers.

Summer 2018

  • The  2018 Book Awards were announced on June 6th. Our Summer 2018  issue has been mailed to the subscribers and contributors this week and it features: The 2018 Asian Celebration Haiku Contest, the 2018 Skipping Stones Book Awards for Exceptional Multicultural and Nature Books and Teaching Resources, and the 2018 Celebrate America Creative Writing Contest of the American Immigration Council. It also contains children’s art,  stories, poetry and  other submissions by educators and adult authors. A great issue for your summer reading pleasure! Contact us if to order it.
  • The reviews of 2018 winning books can be downloaded here.  

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